The research paper revolves around the micro-finance industry in Indonesia. The team researched the overview of the global Micro-Finance Industry, its functions and deep-dived into an Indonesia-specific landscape. The paper highlights Indonesia's constant battle with providing its largely unbanked population with access to micro-finance. Using Amartha, a women-focused micro-financing platform, the report analyses a potential solution to the micro-finance landscape in Indonesia.
In order to effectively calculate the impact of Amartha's business model, various impact measurement metrics learnt from the masterclasses were then incorporated into the research paper. Key frameworks such as Theory of Change, ESG Matrix and Social Return on Investment (SROI) were used to measure impact. Specifically, using data from Amartha's public report and public data, the team was able to quantify their social impact (SROI) in terms of their alignment towards SDG 1, 3, 4.
Lastly, the team came up with recommendations to further increase Amartha's impact via specific programs and business model implementation, quantifying the solution via the SROI framework. The report serves as a case study on a potential business model that could bridge the microfinance gap in Indonesia.
Read the whole paper here -
